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Teaching and Lecture Materials

The Institute of Biochemistry is teaching courses for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. curricula in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Our courses are interdisciplinary and open to interested students at any time.

Here we provide outlines of the contents of each lecture and course offered in the department as a guideline for your studies. Please note that these materials are constantly updated. Re-check regularly.

Online teaching material and downloads are available. A password is required for copyright reasons. The credentials are provided during the lectures.


General Biochemistry

The courses for the B.Sc. programs in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences are taught in German.


Einführung in die Biochemie  -  WS, B.Sc. Chem, LA Chemie

Grundlagen der Biochemie I  -  SS, B.Sc. Chem, Pharmazie, LA Chemie

Grundlagen der Biochemie II -  WS, B.Sc. Chem, B.Sc. Pharm. Wiss., StEx Pharmazie

Übung Grundlagen der Biochemie - SS, B.Sc. Chem, Pharmazie, LA Chemie


Practical Courses

Grundpraktikum Biochemie  -  B.Sc. Chemie

Grundpraktikum Biochemie  -  M.Sc. Chemie

Vertiefungspraktika Biochemie

Forschungspraktika Biochemie



Advanced Courses in Biochemistry

The series of advanced lectures in Biochemistry is open to M.Sc. students and doctoral students. Classes are taught in English or German. 

Biochemie der Aminosäuren und Cofaktoren

Biochemie der Kohlenhydrate

Biochemie der Lipide

Biochemie der Nukleinsäuren

Biochemie der Prokaryonten

Biochemistry of Lipids


Membrane Biochemistry

Membrane Protein Biophysics

Metalloproteine - Bioanorganische Chemie


Signal Transduction Cascades







by webmaster biochemie last modified May 14, 2013 08:30 AM
« January 2025 »
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